Caught by Daddy | The Birth of Juniper

I met Jaime and Randy during Jaime’s maternity session. A few days later, she messaged me inquiring about birth photography. Her husband Randy was on the fence about the whole idea of having someone they barely knew in the room with them during such an intimate moment. I was so happy when they messaged me to let me know they were both in agreeance on having me photograph their daughter’s birth. What changed his mind? Jaime’s sister! She had had her last birth documented and told him how nice it was to have these moments to look back on.

I arrived at the birth center of St. John Westshore Hospital as Jaime was in active labor. Supported by her husband, Randy, Jaime labored naturally in the tub until finally moving out of the water and delivering a beautiful 7lb 8 oz baby girl!

As always, I am just in awe of the power of women! Welcome, sweet Juniper.