Asher's Birth Story

I got the text from Sam and Kenny that Sam was to be induced. Birth is an unpredictable business, so even when there is an induction planned, you still have to play it by ear. Wait, listen to cues and use critical thinking to decide when to leave for the hospital.

After hearing that Sam had been contracting regularly, I made my way to Hillcrest! When I arrived, progress was slow and steady, so I hunkered down and got some computer work done in the waiting room.

Sam’s water broke, so I headed back in. Pitocin was making Sam’s contraction long and strong, and baby was not a fan. The doctor assed the situation and informed Sam and Kenny that a C-section was on the table. After much dilibertation and a few more drops in baby’s heart rate, it was decided - baby’s gotta come out.

Hugs and kisses and nervous excitement as everyone prepared to meet baby Asher. Only one person is allowed in the OR with mom, so Kenny suited up and waited for the ok to head in.

I headed back to the waiting room with The Family and awaited baby’s first picture! Phones were passed around, Asher Samuel Reed was here! I tried my best to capture the pure love, support and anticipation that surrounds a mother during labor. And there was so much love in that waiting room.

It is always such an honor to be present to document such a monumental occasion for a family. I never take it for granted.

naida kovach